4 Reasons to Include Video on Your Landing Pages

The love for video and motion graphics grows exponentially every year, and that trend doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down anytime soon.  Some of you might already be using video, but you aren’t making the most of it by fully incorporating its potential into your marketing strategy. 

We are going to look at a few reasons why you can’t afford to not use video on your landing pages and highlighting those reasons with statistics from everyone’s favorite place for statistics: Hubspot

Check out these 4 reasons to include video on your landing pages:

1. 85% of People Watch Videos Online

Think about that for a second.  There are millions of internet users every single day, and 85% of those people watch videos.  That means that 85% of the internet’s population has the chance to view one of your videos, and if they end up on your landing page, those 85% are more likely to stay if there is one.  

Demo and explainer videos are great ways to increase the staying power of your landing page.  It gives the viewer a short summary of your offer, and that is enough to make them want to learn more.  If you set up your landing pages right, they will try to scroll for more, and they should be able to find more along with your highlight points in writing.


2. Crazy Egg Increased Revenue by $21K a Month With An Explainer Video

I’m sure everyone would love to increase their monthly revenue by $21k with a video.  Well, that’s exactly what Crazy Egg did.  They made a simple explainer video for a landing page in the hopes to have their viewer understand exactly what their services could do.

Not only did it work, it flourished.  Conversion rates shot through the roof at 64%, and the simple explainer video lead them to the right people.  If you can show people exactly what you are trying to do for them on your landing pages, they are more likely to take the time to listen to your message.  


3. E-Commerce Store Convert Better With Videos

As a matter of fact, e-commerce pages with video reviews and demos tend to convert up to 9% more often. That means putting a simple video of the product will help you sell to 1 in 11 more times.  

Imagine if you could take 1 out of every 11 visits that don’t end in a conversion and turn them into sales.  Even if the sales are just a few dollars, the impact on your revenue stream is positive, and all you had to do was think and create a few simple explanation videos.

No wonder video content is a seen as a professional marketers biggest return on investment.


4. 15 Seconds Can Help 54% of Viewers Remember You

You don’t have to make long-form videos, although you can, but you should focus on staying under 60 seconds.  Brands that commonly use 15-second videos tend to be more recognizable to the public eye.  That raises 34% when you jump to 30 videos with captivating content.

Simplifying your brand content and offer videos will help you relate to your customers on a personal level. If your video is really good, it can be that short, but people will remember every second of it.

That’s what you are looking for in great video content, and that is how you should make the videos for your landing pages.  Having short videos that progress on one another is a great way to provide yourself with a solid landing page that entices people to keep going.  You can also put multiple CTAs along the page so they can convert any time they are ready without having to hunt.



Making short videos that explain exactly what you do aren’t easy, but they are worth the time and effort.  No matter how you choose to attack your video strategy, you will see positive results.  Just make sure you put your video into your current marketing strategy to amplify their potential for your company’s growth.  A great way to promote your landing pages is how to house the small videos there and use the same videos on the page as your social posts.  Make sure to add a link to the page where the videos are sitting!

Think about it, if you are a site like Expedia, and you are trying to help people secure their vacation in Iceland hotels, wouldn’t you try to incorporate all types of information to go with it?  Maybe airline ticket prices, restaurants and menus, local entertainment, and maybe even a few videos of the breathtaking scenery you’re about to see.

Catch your viewer’s attention and spark their interest!

How do you use video in your marketing strategy?  Where is the best place to put a video on a landing page?  We want to hear how you make the most of the growing fascination with video content!

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